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This Ain't A Fairytale.
I'm awesome.

Tagged by Irene, 3rd time's a charm(:
Saturday, November 29, 2008

I tag :
Jeremy Tan
Soon Len
Anyone who is as bored as I am right now

(Jangan tiru jawapan )

Whats your name?: I'm not telling(:
When is your birthday?: 5th of July 1994, I want presents ah? (:
What school are you in?: SMKDJ
Who is your first crush?: I was five, his name was Daniel I think? He looks gay, seriously.
Are you straight or what?: Sadly, I'm very the straight
Have you thoughtof running from home?: No, I wouldn't and haven't. Its all out STUPIDITY
Are you black,brown or white?: Skin colour? I'm brownish, pinkish, yellowish. Along those lines
How many siblings do you have?: Two. They mean the world to me
Whos your last boyfriend or girlfriend?: Haha, my brother's friend Li Jian ( Joke!)
Have you ever lie to your parents?: Yesh, they were very dissapointed
Are you a super duper chocoholic?: Yeah, most times
You wish you are?(age): 14 is the best, I would never leave 2008 if I could.
Have you ever kiss a human besides your relatives and family? Jon, in my defence it was a dare and it was a CHEEK.

Tagged by Irene- AGAIN(:

The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people
1. I scuba dive
2. I am NOT a " Ooh, NAILPOLISH" type of girl.
3. Well, then agaih. My nails are painted and I'm looking forward to nail polish shopping(:
4. I absolutely ADORE my friends
5. I'm in LOVE with Justin's Chinese name
6. I can be a real major bimbo if I want to
7. I enjoy going to Math tuiton. Maybe because there's Gabriel and Darren there.
8. I miss my mommy :S

I tag :
1. Liwen (Pfft, I doubt she'll actually do it)
2. Pei (Doubt it)
3. Rachel (Same here)
4. Shi Wen
5. Zhi Chung
6. Joseph
7. Adele
8. Do it whoever you are, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.

First Name: Jo Li? I don't know I've always got these things mixed up
Nickname: Jo/ Desiree (Hahas. Sarah F came up with that)
Name you wish you had: Actually, I like my name. Its SPECIAL. Like me.
What do people normally mistake your name as: Julie. People know how much it annoys me
Birthday: 5th of July 1994 ( Since you know, get me a prezzie) :]
Birthplace: Pantai Medical Centre? (I wasn't there, I wouldn't know.)
Time of Birth: I think it was like 4 in the morning
Single or taken: Very much single
Zodiac sign : Cancer ( When I was young, my friend told me I'll get cancer. Scared me so much)

Your Appearence
How tall are you:165cm
Wish you were taller:Yeah
Eye color: Dark brown
Eye color you want: I like GREEN eyes
Natural Hair color: Very BLACK
Current Hair color: Still very BLACK
Short or long hair: Slightly past shoulder
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: Dying your hair ruins your perfect locks
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: I don't think I have. I just let it sit there.
Glasses or contacts: I don't need both. But I prefer contacts. Glasses make me look like a teacher
Do you wear make-up: Only for choir performances and once for Choral Speaking
Ever had hair extensions: I can grow my own hair- thank you!
Paint your nails: They're painted now. (Thank you Liwen) :]

In the opposite gender
What color eyes: Doesn't matter as long as they're warm
What color hair: Doesn't matter as long as fingers can run through them
Shy or Outgoing: It depends
Sexy or Cute: Cute
Serious or Fun: Fun but serious when it's the time to be serious
Older or Younger: I would never date a guy younger than me.
A turn on: How much he makes me laugh
A turn off : If he doubts himself

This or that
Flowers or Chocolates: Chocolates, I can share them and flowers die
Pepsi or Coke: Sprite
Rap or Rock: Rock?
Relationship or One night stand: Relationship, no question.
School or Work: School like DUH(!)
School Love or Money: Love
Movies or Music: Musicals, a combination of both
Country or City: Country
Sunny or Rainy days: I like sunny days but I like playing in the rain too.
Friends or Family: Both, as long as they stick by you

Have you ever
Lied: Yeah, and I regret even until now.
Stole something: Erh, no. I don't think so.
Smoked: No way
Hurt someone close to you: Mommy and daddy
Broke someone's heart: I hope not?
Had your heart broken: Uhm, yeah. I guess?
Wondered what was wrong with you: Yeah, all the time
Wish you were a prince/princess : Haha, I think I did when I was younger
Liked someone who was taken: Yeah
Shaved your head: Erh, no.
Used chopsticks: I'm Chinese. You figure out the answer
Sang in the mirror to yourself: Haha, yes.

Flowers: I'll like it as long as its given with a sincere heart
Candy: I'd prefer chocolate
Song: I like slow songs. Pfft, emo.
Scent: Scent of Encik Rosdi
Color: Lime green
Movies: Comedies mostly
Singer: I like unknown bands
Word: I say LIKE alot. Like when, I'm smsing, " And then I was LIKE..."
Junk food: I like keropok ikan, don't ask me why.
Website: My blog
Location: My house
Animal: I like wolves

Ever cried over someone: Yes, many times and many people.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: Yesh, my fatness(:
Do you think you're attractive: Hell yeah(!) Nah, you tell me. Do YOU find me attractive? (:
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: I like my life the way it is.
Do you play any sports: Scuba diving, squash, swimming, badminton and bowling. That's all I can remember really.

Woohee, I'm BACK. Went to Liwen's house yesterday. Supposedly to make sushi? Yeah, went to Atria to buy the ingredients. But, Atria lah, if you live in like PJ you would know, SO SMALL. Only got crab stick. Pfft, so we bought canned salmon, frozen prawns(this might sound really disgusting for some), canned squid in soy sauce and canned crab meat. Got home, eat lunch and decided to start cooking. But, we forgot to buy rice. Went to buy rice. Came back. Cleaned prawns. We actually washed them not just running them under the tap but really taking out all the poop. We made sushi (well, actually, we made a mess). Played Not pron again. Couldn't figure it out. (Really, you go and try it if you think you're so smart.) We got bored of working our brains and it just so happened to be 6 in the evening. So, we played hotel 626. I tell you, we freaked out like crap. We were like hugging each other and screaming. At one point, I think we were making so much noise that her sister came in and checked up on us.
Doodeedoo, went for Taekwondo grading today? Yeah, screwed up big time. Whatever la. Soon Len took some pictures. Go check her blog, it might be there. Mei Ping was taking her Poom1 exam so she had to break a wooden plank. Master Yeoh was holding the plank. She kicked it, the middle flew up and cut Master Yeoh on the head and the proceeded to be airborne and drop far away. Mei Ping, you very the pro lah. Make Master Yeoh's head BLEED. It was so funny, seeing all the pat-poh mom's running here and there taking tissue, "Master Yeoh, you okay ah?" After class when everyone went home, me, Soon Len, Mei Ping and Kay tried to break the already broken planks. Kay broke some, Mei Ping nearly did and me and Soon Len just made our hands and knees throb with pain. At least there isn't any splinters :S

Vroom vroom VROOM
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wooh, A1GP baybeh. I had a blast. Seriously, if you call yourself a race car fan but you've never went to Sepang to watch a race then you really should. I'm not exactly a race car fan, I just happened to have a friend who happened to have free tickets. GO TJ! TJ and his dad picked me up at slightly past 9 and then we went to pick Stanley up. They kept on talking about the Arsenal match last night. I was so terribly lost. So, I just stared out the window. Stanley slept in the car on the way there. Reached there. Walked. Walked. Walked. Stanley saw a sign that said HOT HOT HOTDOGS. I said, "Go buy la". Then he said, " I don't want HOT HOT HOTDOGS, I want HOT HOT HOT GIRLS." Reached the stands. Sat down. Too far from the starting/ finish line. Changed place. Someone was smoking. Changed place. Took a few pictures. Ate a packet of Rocky. Smsed Liwen. Smsed mom. Stanley was staring at the grid girls but he didn't bring his glasses so he kept on asking me, " Is that girl hot?". And I'm like, "Gee, I don't know." "Oh, is that girl hot?" "I DON'T KNOW!". Race started. Tried desperately to sms Liwen at the same time but failed. I had to cover my ears. I had ear plugs but I didn't wear them. I can't put things in my ear not even headphones. It messes up my semi- circular canals (Science; Form 2; Chapter 1) and makes me woozy. So, I embraced the sound, the bone crushing, deafening sound. And let me tell you, it was awesome.

First race
No1: Switzerland
No2: France
No3: New Zealand (Go ALL BLACKS!)

Then, we walked around. We had 3 hours to kill before the next race. So, we went to the Lotus and Ferrari exhibition. I wasn't as excited as the guys (that includes TJ's dad) seeing the cars. I mean they were pretty and everything. Okay, maybe not pretty, COOL. But its not really my thing. Like Kay Li said, I'm a OOH NAIL POLISH type of girl. And it was so hot. The stalls frying food, loads of people and also the blistering heat from the sun. Had ice-creams. Then there was an announcement saying that the pit lanes are open for people to go in. TJ was like, "Lets go to the pit lanes" We couldn't seem to figure out how to get to the pit lanes. As we were walking, I saw a sign that said Pit Lane Passes. Guess how much it was? Go on guess. You know you want to. Okay, fine I'll tell you. RM150. Yeah, so scrap that. We went and bought food. Hard fish and round hash browns. Don't ask me how the fish was hard or how hash browns can be round. Because I don't know that either. So we walked someomore. Trying to find a place to sit and watch the race. Who knew that Sepang had so many flights of stairs. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Repeat 10 times. Somehow along the way, we lost TJ's dad. So we stood there like crazy people trying to call his dad despite all the noise. Somehow, we spotted him amongst the crowd and we went to find a place to sit. We still had about an hour and half to kill. We ate our hard fish and spherical hash browns. A packet of Chipster. Stanley slept. Took more pictures. The All Blacks car was at the grid right in front of us. Watched the drivers race around in the Ferrari's holding their flags. One guy got tangled in his flag. The countries within a 3 car radius of Fairuz-what-his-name didn't get any cheers at all. He turned the corner waving with so much enthusiasm but everybody was just laughing and pointing at the Malaysian car. I caught a glimpse at his face. He looked really sad. Then, we laughed at a stupid marching band performance. When the grid girls came out again, Stanley woke up to watch them catwalk to their respective grids. Then, he fell asleep again. TJ's dad says they have a hard job. Standing there for 45 minutes. In nice clothes and a face full of makeup. The thing I hated was that the way those Malay guys (no racism intended) wolf whistled, whooped and cheered when they came out. I found that very disgusting. Pfft, Malaysians, just can't appreciate a pretty girl quietly. At least Stanley didn't whoop. Watched the race. And embraced the sound. Actually, once you get used to the sound, it isn't that bad. Its the loudest when you cover your ears but you suddenly don't. Malaysia started at the fourth grid. After about 2 laps, he emerged from the corner in 3rd place. The stands erupted with cheer and applause. Out of nowhere, he turned into the pit lanes. From 3rd he fell to last. LAST. He sped up until 10th place. Barely anybody stayed for the trophy giving ceremony. So sad. Nobody to clap for them. Left. Nearly fell asleep in the car. Stanley did. TJ did. TJ's dad, thank god- didn't.

Happy Birthday Rachel Sow!
Friday, November 21, 2008


You see that girl up there? It was her birthday yesterday. Yeah, and she's CRAZY. Rac, I know you're reading this. Okay okay, time for the big BIG birthday speech. Dear Rachel, I remember the first time we met. Cik Cho sat you next to me. I was like, "Pfft, she looks quiet." Ended up, she became the noises out of us all. I envy how you never have problems like EVER. Except, my brother so STUPID. I very POOR. And whenever we complain about stupid things she goes, " Why you all ah, always got so many problems ah?" Yeah, she rocks. And she's afraid of teachers, spotchecks and likes radiating my chicken(?) Oh oh, and I almost forgot the most MOST important part of Rachel.
I promise we'll have that Giant outing soon(:

Tagged By Irene Soh Yen Ping
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

1. What's your most favourite colour?
Lime green and yellow (pfft, banana)

2. Who is the most important to you?
My mommy and daddy?

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
Not often at all

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
If fake confidence counts. Haha.

5. How many babies you want?
Loads. 10! Hahas.

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Seen it before. I mean who hasn't?

7. What is your goal for this year?
Not get last in the first class. So far, its pretty much accomplished.

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
I believe in life long love. People don't live for an eternity.

9. Do you think that the person who tag you like to play kidnaping?
Yes? Well, I wouldn't mind kidnapping Michael Phelps.

10. What are you really afraid of?
Creepy crawlies.

11. What is your bad habit?
I bite my nails and I constantly think I look fat which I do.

12. Do u have a secret crush?
I have a crush but it isn't secret *wink wink*

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Erh, yes? How about you tell me. Do you fell cherished?

14. What does flying means to you?

15. What do you crave for the most currently?
Ong Li Wen ;D

16. Are you single/relationship?
Single. Very much single.

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
She is fun, nice, crazy, currently sitting next to me, my sister's best friend, calls Kay very late at night and has braces (like me!)

18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
Gee, I don't know. Today, I made myself happy by forcing my brother to cook me food and go online and sleep.

19. What is the worst case scenario happen to you in your life?
If I get abducted, raped and sold to some weird cruel family far FAR away as a slave?

20. What was the most random movie that you've watched?
Liwen asked me to watch a video called ' How To Photograph A Nude Woman'. Random enough for you? ;D

Pieces Of Me

We're leaving behind 2008 now. Goodbye. I'll miss you. This seemed like the best year for me.

I am going to miss:

Ong Li Wen- My super awesome, hyper, crazy best friend.

I'm going to miss her stupid antics, crazy laughs and wild ideas. I'm going to miss her trying to set me up with guys and actually, I'm just gonna miss her craziness. I WILL NOT MISS THE WAY SHE HITS ME WHEN SHE WANTS TO SAY SOMETHING. "Jo!" *whacks* Yes Liwen, you know what I mean. And would it kill you to be a little more ladylike? Like maybe wear a skirt at least?

Beat Yew Jia Yi- Ahaha, I BeatYou.

I'll miss her so so much. I'm gonna miss the fact that you never seem to get angry at me no matter what I do and vice versa. I'm going to miss those times when we talked about guys we like and girls they like and when we gossipped in class about things that might be too obscene for some eyes. I've never had problem telling her anything. "Why you sit so straight one ah?"

Teoh Xiu Pei- Are you Jo Li or Xiu Pei?

I mean come on people. Are we really that hard to tell apart? Except for being the exact same height and weight- No, really. EXACT. I remember once I was walking alone and Zhong Yuen said, "OMG, this is the FIRST time I've seen you WITHOUT Xiu Pei!" Well, we've been through some hard times. Which honestly, I regret almost everyday. Yes, Pei, you know what I mean. And I hate absoloutely hate it when people ask me how come I've ditched her. Or when they ask Liwen why they stole Xiu Pei's best friend. I hate it. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT. So, if you do this please stop. THANK YOU.

Jonathan Leong Wei Loong- No, we are NOT a couple.

If you do think we're a couple. Maybe you should go dig your brains out and give them a check. Don't even bother putting them back in because they clearly DON'T WORK. He's my secret agent, super spy and all round best friend. He's always there for me when I need him. He's the only person who can get me worked up like in a snap. Most of you had probably seen me yelling at him during Choral Speaking before. He made me cry TWICE.

Rachel Sow Wei Ling- Raju Ramasamy

She's crazy. And naive. And so lovable. I remember when Cik Cho put her next to me. As in sitting because we were the tallest. I thought she looked so quiet. Boy, was I wrong. Very VERY wrong. She's the funniest, craziest person I've ever met in my whole entire life. Not to mention, the person who loves Giant the most.

Adele Tan Kay Ann- She's unbelieveable

Boy, what do I say. She's pretty, hot, popular, nice, freindly, she Adele. I'll never forget times like our escapade to Sunway Pyramid. The class skipping. Not to mention all the makeup in Sunway toilets.

Sarah Fong Mun Yee- Way to smart, way too crazy

She does funny candid shots. She brings fans and ear plugs to school. Don't ask me why. I don't know either. Lets just say the fan comes in handy especially on a hot day. I met her in Form 1 in 1KEMPAS. Aparently she was very quiet and a goody-two-shoes until she met me. I guess that's a compliment? Now, she's crazier and sicker than I am. Yeah, Ms No.1 in Form 2. Puh-leasssseeee.

Joseph Loh Wei An- The fishes are flying?

Yeah, its a Choral speaking inside joke. I still remember the first time I got close to you, it was my birthday. Haha. I've never had problem telling you anything. I don't think you did either. Sarah Fong's SEXY J.LO, Encik Rosdi's JOSHEP. I'll miss you gay boy(:

Zhi Chung and Shi Wen- Flaming hot?

Somehow they're always together. They're both teacher's sons. Pn Puah and Piano teacher. I don't actually remember how I met the both of you. I still remember that time when I nearly cried and both of you were like, "No Jo, don't cry. Erh, we'll do the Soulja' Boy dance, just please don't cry." And they did. It was funny. And all those times when we thought Jon was emoing and Liwen and us will go look for him around the whole school like crazy people. Good times. Good times. And Shi Wen, you are not hotter than those HOT guys in Burger King, deal with it.

Jian Xiong- My beloved Ketua Perbarisan

My Ketua Perbarisan. I'll never forget that time when you were marching and I was commmanding and you 'luruskan barisan' next to Li Mun. I laughed my ass off. I you don't understand what I mean. She's like up to his waist? So when Jian Xiong 'luruskan barisan' his hand wasn't at her shoulder but above her head. Remember all those stupid times we bugged Cik Suhaila to let us practice marching and walking around school to meet our marchers? Cik Suhaila doesn't trust you, she trusts me. But everytime she calls me, you and Bin Hao ends up following to. I know that annoys her.

Samantha Cheah Yin Wern- Penolong Ketua Perbarisan

Jian Xiong thinks you're the best marcher among all of us. I'm gonna cherish that heart you gave me on the last day of school. Not to mention its an AWESOME camwhore prop. ILY babe.

Kong Bin Hao- We pontenged alot

Going around school. Collecting names and phone numbers. Sometimes, without a pass. Got caught by Pn Puah before. Taking stupid videos during our time marching. Haha, Jun Kit.

Just some of the people I'm going to miss. Really, the holidays are killing me. My dad isn't going to let me out. So, stuck at home watching my brother and sister play Avatar PS2 games. Save me!

I promised myself I wouldn't cry- But I did.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hello hello PEOPLE ;D I'm back. Haha, I miss school. Okay, lets post about the last day of school. Went to school early. Went to Atria with Ding, Rac and Pei. Walked around went to school to meet up with Sarah. Went to pick up chicken. Not ready. Pick up pizza. Pick up chicken. Not ready. Waited in car. Got chicken. Went to school. Saw everyone's eyes dilate or whatever you call it. If you saw 10 pizza's wouldn't you be surprised? Skip ahead to class. Looking forward to be in Balau but NO had to be in Kempas. We Bluetoothed songs and stupid things to each other. Sang really loud. Then, it was recess. Enjoy the AWESOME food everyone brought. Ate until VERY VERY FULL. Washed hands in the rain. One thing led to another. One wet girl led to another. Soon, everyone was drenched head to toe. Sang somemore. Took alot of pictures. It was until the 2nd last period I think we put on sad songs and sat there. Pfft, I cried. I'm so pathetic, I always end up the first person to cry. After Beat wiped all the tears with Liang's tissue, I stopped. Then, Beat started to cry. And when I saw her cry, I cried- AGAIN. Then, Dele cried. Pei cried. Pfft, almost all of us did. Went outside hugged each other. Then, Vivien Ooi asked me whether I wanted a tissue. This girl whom I've never talked to in the whole year. The most, probably once or twice. Made me teary eyed all over again. Walked slowly out of school for the last time this year. I was all red faced when I got home. Showered. Changed. Went to tuition with Liwen. And I know I keep on promising the pictures but I'm so lazy to post them up now. I will, I promise. I miss 2 Balau. ALOT. *sniff*

I Would Kill For His Love- literally
Thursday, November 13, 2008

AHHHHHHHHHH. Did you hear me? I said, AHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm like flippin` out right now. I AM FLIPPIN` OUT. Oh, Chui Ling, if you're reading this. Thank you for all your help. And Liwen, if you're reading this. Which I'm pretty sure you are. Sooner or later. And I know you will want the updates. I will spill later. My head is like spinning now. I really don't know what to do. Then she asked me whether I was okay. Then I said, I was and why wouldn't I be? "You scared I sad- sad ah? "Well, I'm glad you're not those type of girls?" Obviously, I was like "Huh?" "Those that slit themselves" I mean I might cry a bit in the shower or bury my head in my pillow but I will never slit myself for a guy. I thought crying was lame but that is just INSANE. Crazy. They not only like slit but they draw stuff. Like tattoos. They do that when they brake up with their boyfriends and those without. Just do it for fun? Hear that, FOR FUN! Apparently, they like the bump it makes. One girl, slit herself. Like really slit herself at the vein on her wrist because she thought her boyfriend was cheating on her. When he found out that she slit herself. He didn't take her to the hospital, tell a teacher or even advise her. He joined her. He fuh-reaking joined her. He slit his wrist too. He also used to do drugs and ciggies'. Like ohmaifreekeeinggord. But he stopped because she told him to. Which was probably the only sane thing that they did in their relationship. Well, I still think they make a cut couple. Except for the slitting. And I'm eating the Kinder Joy from Atria. Its good. Really really good. And my toy is so cute.

Run Baby Run, where are you Aunty Esther?

Whoo~ This is my 4th post of the day. Pfft, lifeless huh? Just came back from Atria. Quite spur of the moment really. My sister started asking my maid whether she was going to Atria. They wanted to buy Kinder Joy, stupid egg looking chocolates. My maid said she was going wanna buy meatballs for Bak Kut Teh. I said I wanted to go to KFC. So went with all the little kids in tow. Reached there. Saw Chanel and Kok Weng. Told her it was kiddies day out. She asked me whether ALL of them were my brother and sister. Bought food. Ate. Talked alot of crap. Opened Kinder Joy thingy, assembled toy. Finished eating. Went to look for maid. Not there. Left brother and friend at KFC. Went to look for maid with sister and friend. Walked back to KFC. Repeat twice. Rest. Call home. "Hello, grandma? Is Aunty Esther home?" Guess what she said. Go on, guess, you know you want to. Okay, I'll say it. "Yes" "OHMYGOD!" Slams down phone. Got little kids to follow. Walked home.

The End
Amidst all this chaos and running around. I manage to spot these cool pair of pants. They're like the normal yoga pants but with stripes on them. Not the pants. Just the foldover part. Looks a tad bit lala thought. Nevermind lorhxxxx. Still nice orhxxx. Lolxx~ Jo ciaoz again. Byezzzzz... LOLXXX. ZZZZZ...

Michael Fred Phelps
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ooh ooh, I googled my husbad up on the Internet and I found these really, REALLY awesome pictures of him. Whoo! I've been spelling it Micheal Phelps but its actually Michael Phelps. I'm so sorry darling. Not nice la, the pictures all small- small one.

And the best one like EVER.






Woah, *swoons* My god, damn yeng right?

Lets see...

Name : Michael Fred Phelps
Age : 24
Birthdate : 30/6/1985
Birthplace : Baltimore
Height : 6'4" (1.95072m)
Weight : 195 pounds (88.45005 kg)
Hair and Eye Colour : Brown
College : University of Michigan
Passions :Football, music, video games and hanging with his English bulldog, Herman
Family : Fred and Debbie Phelps as well as 2 elder sisters, Hilary and Whitney

Just so you know, he cooks. Like oheymjee. I LOVE guys that can cook.

Love Conquers All

Sitting here,
Discomfort swirling,
Filling the pitch black theatre,
I'm cold.

Sitting here,
Her trembling fingers,
Clutching her bag,
She looks cold.

Sitting here,
Sun radiating heat,
Resting my head on his chest,
I'm contented.

Sitting here,
Lying in the sun warmed grass,
Our breathing in sync,
She looks contented.

Sitting here,
Watching hems and pleats,
Swirling and twirling,
I feel like slow dancing.

Sitting here,
Watching couples in awe,
I ask for this dance,
Thought she felt like dancing.

Sitting here,
Beside the phone,
Contemplating our last fight,
I want to call him.

Sitting here,
Staring at my phone,
Replaying her laugh in my head,
I want to call her.

Ngeehee~ I was bored okay? Want another one? Another one? Okay, ANOTHER ONE.

Love is fireworks,
Beautiful, extravagant and hot;
Like moonlit late nights,
Filled with gentle brush of lips.

Love is walking on the beach,
Overlooking vast ocean blue;
Sand between your toes,
Waves asplashing.

Love is a sparkly dress,
Swaying with every twirl;
On our first slow dance,
My head on your chest.

Love is sleepless nights,
Thinking of him;
The slightest touch of hands,
Intertwining trembling fingers.

I'm NOT Crazy

UPSR results are out today. Go Kay Li. 5A's like your SUPER AWESOME big sister (me!) Ahaha. Lol, congrats also to Irene and Bridget who also got 5A's. There are other people but they don't read my blog. Ngeehee~ Any-hoo's, tomorrow's gonna be 2 BALAU's super awesome, crazy, lame, ass of a party. Nope, I'm not exactly looking forward to it. Come back and tell me money suddenly appeared or the price of a formal dinner plummeted to lets say RM200? Then I'll be happy. Currently, NOT HAPPY. And my dog has got into a fight again. Whoop-de-doo. She has bloody (not the bad word, as in BLOOD) scrathces on her face. Liwen, you know how vicious my dog is. I am too faint hearted to even look at it. My brother just scooped her face in his hands and stared at it. Trust me, I'm not the biggest fan of blood. Once, during Choral Speaking, Daniel had a nose bleed, and I had to hide behind Hui Min. Which, probably didn't really help considering she's so SMALL and I'm so BIG. There, I admit it. Jeez, I'm bored. Anybody got any tags to do? 0__0


Yes, I'm bored enough to ask for a tag.

Gabriel, I f*cking hate you.

F*ck off.

I don't wanna see your b*tchface.

And to the rest of the world,

I'm so ADDICTED to all the things you do.

I just had avery entertaining conversation on MSN with Ms Chew Chui Ling. It was like Mission Impossible. "Don't LEAVE me!" "I can't do this by myself!" "I can't press the ENTER button" "Just press it" Hilarious. And nobody knows what it's about. Oh, and Rachel's chicken conversation.

rachel says:
u bringing fried chicken ryte
rachel says:
if got spotcheck then i hide my phone under yr chicken can?
rachel says:

Jo(: Mrs Micheal Phelps says:
After my chicken got radiation(:

rachel says:
rachel says:
its dead

Jo(: Mrs Micheal Phelps says:
Jo Li, why is your chicken ringing?

rachel says:
rachel says:
i scared pengawas check the food we bring
rachel says:
stuff it in the turkey

Jo(: Mrs Micheal Phelps says:
Won't one la
Jo(: Mrs Micheal Phelps says:
Besides, ther will be no spotcheck
Jo(: Mrs Micheal Phelps says:

rachel says:
how u know no spotcheck
rachel says:
mayb got le

Jo(: Mrs Micheal Phelps says:
Last day, where got?

rachel says:
mayb le
rachel says:
i ask my bro see if he tmr got anot

Jo(: Mrs Micheal Phelps says:

rachel says:
i scared la
rachel says:
first time do crime

And Liwen, here's the educational post so that you can improve your English. Liwen, has been harping me to go out with her during the holidays. With exultation overwhelming my entire body, I joyfully skipped to my mom for my approval. Fortunately, she said yes.

And, NO. It is supposed to be and sound like total crap.

Boredom kills.

Or then again.

Maybe not.

Paint The Town Red ( I mean, With Boredom?)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

God, I am so fuh-reakkin BORED. I think I've read almost every single blog in the world. Not to mention, I'm hungry and really need to pee. Okay, that wasn't really necessary. My shoulders hurt. I don't know why? It does everytime I use the computer or sit for a log time like during exams. Yeah, exams are bad for health(?) and your shoulders(?). My mom said I'm limited to 1 outing a MONTH. Yes, you heard me right, MONTH. And this is after the exams, before the exams I went out 4 times, in a WEEK. But she said going to friend's houses and sleepovers are fine. Oh, Beat if you are reading this, and Pei and Rac, hurry and decide the date that you guys are gonna sleepover and watch Lust Caution. "Wah, why all your postures so GOOD one ah?" *wink wink*
Let's post about random things. I hate it when people put excessive question marks. And exclamation marks. And emoticons, Gabriel I know you're reading this, I do mean YOU. Ahaha, this is so totally RANDOM.
I think I'm even bored enough to do tags?(:

Romeo, save me I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting but you bever come.
Monday, November 10, 2008

Ever hated yourself because you thought you were the ugliest thing on Earth? I have. Or times when you have looked in the mirror I can't understand why the person staring back at you is smiling?I hear you.Its written in your eyes.Carved on the arch of your lips.
Your fingers trying desperately to grab hold onto love.
Life is like hair. It always seem perfect but there will somehow or rather be a strand out of place.
Things that make you, YOU. Like that little dot beneath the curve of your lashes.Or the scar on your ring finger full of pain, regret and experiences.

Things you hate about yourself like always wondering how big your hips look to the rest of the world.Or how you bite your thumbnail when you're excited.

Sometimes, you're amazed at how often and easily you cry.

Or at how much time you fiddle with your hair.

You fall in love so fast that sometimes it angers you.

And how badly you take heartbreak.

Or how stupid you are because you still keep wishing and how he's the first thing you think about in the morning even after he broke your heart.

There are always things that you hate or love or even make you wonder. But the thing I hate most is how dumb I am because I'm such a camwhore that I do a stupid post on my blog just to upload pictures. Gah, I don't even think what this is about. Sure makes you think doesn't it?

My first EVER tag; I'm so PROUD
Sunday, November 9, 2008

I've never actually bothered but...
1) Li Wen
3) Pow
5)Sam Cheh
6)Zhi Chung
8)Ho Khai
9)Daniel Ong
1.How you know 1?
Erh, I can't actually remember?
2.What would you do if you never met 2?
Would've never found someone that resembled me that much

3.What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?
Pow and Joseph? Nah, don't kid. It'll NEVER happen

4.Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
Erh, no? Sam deserves better and Ah Chung deserves J****
5. Do you think 7 is attractive?
Yes, VERY(:

6.Do you know anything about 8’s family?
No? They sell chicken rice? How about you tell me?(:

7.Tell me something about 9
He's the best head prefect in the whole entire WORLD

8.What is 1's favourite past time?
Going crazy/ Hitting me/ Talking so fast until nobody understands? No one knows.
9.What language does 2 speak?
English/ Chinese.

10.Who is 3 going out with?
Oh WOW(: I'm just gonna hush-up

11.How old is 4?
739 years old

12.When was the last time you talked to 5?

13.Who is 6 favourite singer?
Haha, me!

14.Would u date 7?
I might not but there's no reason why YOU shouldn't (He's really good at Science)
15.Is 8 single?
I should think so
16.What is 9 last name?
Ong; Like duh(!) everyone knows him

17.Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
She asked me to be her girlfriend this afternoon during lunch. We're IN a relationship

18.Which school does 2 go to?
My school. Our school. Your school. SMKDJ

19.What do u like about 3?
He makes funny noises.

-thank you Shi Wen

Romeo, romeo take me somewhere we can be alone- Taylor Swift

OU baybeh. Utter a total disaster. Original plan, me, Liwen, Jon, Jian Xiong, Irfan, Siew Ho and Lee Ann. Jon- scout commitments; Jian Xiong- went back to Shah Alam; Siew Ho- go out with his cousin. So, we called Wan Jyn. He's grandad's in the hospital. Bless him. Get well, Uncle! We pitied Irfan because he'll be the only guy and two girls. After much persuading and so on and so forth, Rueben said he was going. But Irfan canceled. So, instead of being stuck with Irfan, we were stuck with Rueben. On the way there, we called Joseph to tell him that Rueben's joining us. But when we told Shao Wen, she fuh-reaking lost. Like, ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?! We had to cancel on Rueben. He got really REALLY angry, poor guy. We called him like 10 million times? And Shi Wen's mom went ballistic after she found out how much credit he used. We went to this super cool Japanese restaurant. Made Encik Rosdi noises. Aik Aik, mali sini. Funny mann. Then, we went to Yipee Cup. Shot bubbles at each other. Total mess. Paid. Left. Watched Quantom of Solice. So boring. Nearly fell asleep on Clement. He's so soft with all that extra stuffing. But NO, that had to have that shoot out. AGAIN. After the movie Liwen left and the girls went to buy present. Snooze city much. So, I followed the guys go makan at Burger King. We went all around OU just to find a place to eat. Which was essentially, SQUARE ONE.
Sat there and ate. Talked. Made a new friend. This little cute boy who sat behind us. I don't think his mom liked us so much because we were swearing. Oops. And got hot American guys there. Called Shao Wen and Jerrica told them we were at Burger King. Took them so long. So, we went to look for them but they ran like the wind. "When we ask them look for us- SO SLOW. When we go look for them- SO FAST" quote Shi Wen. When we found them, time to go home already. My opinion, you didn't want him to join us because it would ruin your day. Sorry babe, you ruined mine. You broke up with him because he loved you so much. That's why hated him and 'wanted him to die'? Sorry darling, that's just childish, low and superficial. Sort of like what you said he was. Next time, look into a mirror before saying you look good. Because to others, it might not seem like what it does to you. Deal with it. I had fun with the guys though. Nothing to worry about. No tantrums. No problems.

A chapter in our life ended. A new one begins.
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ahahaha. Exams are OVER. Officially. Screw art la. Stupid picture. Before exam we joked about drawing a heart in between the guy and the girl which I ended up doing because I left my brain at home apparently. So it ended up looking super corny and like a pair of boxers with all the little hearts. Then we had to carry the tables upstairs to class again. We unlike other girls, called for delivery service. Pei and Jo's private DHL. "Ho Khai, can help us carry our table to class please?" He helped us carry it down before exam started too. So, we had our girl talk as usual. About things that MAY be too obscene to put on the Internet. Where everyone, EVERYONE, can see it. Which apparently is healthy. Not to mention SEXY. I've got my wedding all planned out. Its very ALL OUT. Very NATURAL. If you were there, you'll TOTALLY understand. Talk about politics which always leads to my bottle. All Blacks mah. New Zealand All Blacks. So now its " Jo Li supports OBAMA!" Which I do, don't get me wrong but not because of my bottle. Talked about Hitler and Japanese occupation. And Badawi. Said that he second wife is his sister in law and he was staying at his house when his wife was sick *wink wink*. Poor old lady. Yeah, then we got bored. Suddenly, all the cameras, phones and gadgets came out. Tonnes of stupid pictures. REALLY dumb pictures. We had a blast. Then, we decided it'll be fun to be papparazi's so we took like candid pictures. I got one of Encik Rosdi's ass. And Smell Ely. Holding her cake. I'm sure Nemesu saw us going crazy. Everytime something happens in Balau, Nemesu looks up. If something happens in Nemesu (which is ALOT), we'll look down (I don't mean to be insulting) Oh and the hall we were looking forward to renting, not gonna happen. Its RM500 for half a day. So N-O. No. We get to have the party in school. For a super long duration of 30 minutes. Oh wait, 25 to be exact. No drinks. "Remember ah, NO PORK. No Bak- Kut- Teh" Please la. We might not have gotten A for your Smelly English class but we're not dumb. To prove it. "What about Chick-Kut-Teh, teacher?" Smelly Ely made her supid b**** face. She makes it everytime she can't respond or have something smart to say. Everyday. It drives me INSANE. Any- hoo's, can't wait for Monday. There's a certain someone I REALLY REALLY want a picture with. I've taken a picture with almost everyone except him. Oh, and Jian Xiong. I haven't taken a photo with my Ketua Perbarisan before. Weird. Gonna try to upload the pictures tomorrow. Look forward to see Encik Rosdi's ass plastered over the Internet. Oh hot DAMN. Whoop-de-doo. Nighty nights. Ooh, I have Daena's textbooks 0__0

-i want my picture.

I mean seriously I have no more IDEAS
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rachel, oh Rachel. Mana you? She's supposed to send me Seni notes. Oh well, some time to have fun on the computer. Gabriel just told me some guy thinks I'm hot. Ahaha, Gabriel I am NOT being perasan. He's my friend that's why its weird. Any- hoo, we have Seni but heck with it the exams are practically over so YAY! Okay that was really REALLY gay. Photo's from today will be updated soon. I really hope that we get to do that formal sit down dinner thing. Wonder how Chester'll look like in a button down shirt? Or Gwen in a dress? Nevermind, trust me to take pictures and share it with all you people. Rachel, why SO LONG LA! There's this super funny picture I have in my camera of Edward. Sorry, Edward, I got it. TOO BAD. Ooh, my dad's coming. BYE(:

I miss your smile.
Saturday, November 1, 2008

What happened? What actually happened? Are we not friends anymore? Am I suppose to pretend that we're not friends, that we don't know each other? I don't know what to tell myself anymore. Nobody knows what to tell me either. She's just as confused. He's going, ' STUDY. EXAMS MORE IMPORTANT'. Screw you mann. You piss me off more and more nowadays and you don't even know it. And she has enough problems already and she doesn't even know whats happening. No names here but they're all different people. We used to be able to talk. Now, we don't even know each other anymore. The only person that probably knows whats going on is you. I want to talk to you like the friends we were before. But now, its all destroyed. Gone. Finito. Habis. Hancur. Musnah. I want to talk to you. But then again, I don't. I regret everything I did, I'm doing and that I'm going to do. So, here take it, take my heart, you've killed it enough as it is. Reminded. Reminisced. Repeated. Rekindled. Just let me go or let me know.

Here take it, do what you want. I don't want it anymore

P/S: To Uncle Albert who's currently in the hospital. Please get well soon. You've got everyone worried sick. Wishing you well on the road to recovery


Im lame :D

Designer: XiuPei
Background: Photoshop

August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010

Click here for the links to appear :D

Jeremy Tan
Jia Wei
Jian Wen
Li Wen
Sam Cheh
Sher Wu
Shi Wen
Soon Len
Yi Jing
Zhi Chung
Zhi Hoe

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