© Copyrighted.
Do not steal stuff from here.
This Ain't A Fairytale.
I'm awesome.

Little Miss Splendid;
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jo wants! :D

Killer Squats;

I think I might consider shooting myself in the head.

Thanks Miss Tracy for the killer squats.

I can't walk up the stairs;
I can't walk DOWN the stairs;
I can't kneel;
I can't scoot my chair in;
I obviously can't SQUAT;

This morning, when I woke up,
Guess who I had an sms from?
"Jo, ohmygod, my thighs are killing me."
"Sit on the chair also like old lady, walk up the stairs must stick butt out."
Ahahah, I was literally ROFLMAO.
She's like the cutest thing alive.

The Boyfriend Is Married?!;

Its the last week, people.
Of American Idol Season 8, I mean.

After bidding farewell to Danny Gokey, (Ahaha, too bad Shaun! :D)
We're left with the oh-so-hot Kris Allen and Adam Lambert.

Sarah says that if Adam wins (pfft, i-don't-think-so);
I'm not allowed to swear for a week.
Pfft, easy peasy lemon squeezy.

So, who are YOU supporting?
HIM? *screams*

Or him? *pfffffffffft*

My bet, is on Kris. (if it isn't obvious enough)

Aww, but what's gonna happen when Idol's over?
-What am I going to fight about with my mom? (I don't care what you say Mom, Kris is going to win!)
-Or with Sarah and Pei?

-Who are me and Yi Huey going to gaga over?

-What are me and Jian Wen gonna talk about? (More than half of all the texts we send each other, are about Idol)

Either way, I am going to wrestle grandma for the remote this Wednesday.

Who cares if we start our exams the next day?

Beware Grace, Darren and GABRIEL (!), I am SO going to be hyper during Math tuiton.

And Thursday night, the results.

Aww, I don't want to watch it with my mom like I always do.

I wanna watch it with Yi Huey!

And we can drool all over her big TV watching Kris.

Yiiiii Hueyyyyyyy....;

Do it for Kris, please? :D

Ah Jo and Ah Kris; (Allen)
Ah Bea and Ah John; (Secondhand Serenade dude)
Ah Jian and Ah Fox; (Megan Fox)
Ah Wen and Ah Ron; (Aaron Ramsey)


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Jonathan Leong Wei Loong!
Remember our pinky promise;
You'll remember to sleep and not stress yourself too much.
And we'll be BFF's and our kids'll be BFF's too!

Ahaha, I still remember that day when we became close friends.
It didn't seem like a good day then.
In fact I HATED that day.
But, on that day, I gained a friend.
And my kids gained friends too. :D


Happy Belated Birthday Pow Zhi Hoe!

Cupcake Chic;
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Belated Cheh Mae Sum, Samantha! :D
Enjoy the cupcakes.

To Make Her Happy;
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

100 truths

001. Real name: Wong Jo Li
002. Nickname(s): Jo, JoJo, Ah Jo and gazillion others I can't remember
003. Age: 15
004. Horoscope: Cancer (when I was young I thought I'de GET cancer :S)
005. Male or Female: Female
006. Elementary: Ringrose
007. Middle School: SRKDJ(1)
008. High School: SMKDJ
009. College school: Ahahah, be patient!
010. Hair colour: Black
011. Long or short: Sort of long-ish
012.Loud or Quiet: Loud when I want to be and soft when I want to be. But mostly, loud (:
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone- duhhhh!
015. Health freak: I don't think so. I mean c'mon, have you SEEN me?!
016. Drink or Smoke: I'd NEVER smoke. And drink? I've tried, don't like the taste. S:
017. Do you have a crush on someone: For me to know, and for you to NOT find out :D
018. Eat or Drink: Do I eat and drink? Don't you?
019. Piercings: Uh-huh, I wished I had more though. Teehee.
020. Tattoos: I want one! And I told my dad. He gave me the 'look'.
.021. Social or Anti-Social: Social I guess? O:
022. Righty or Lefty: Lefty and PROUD of it!
023. First piercing: When I was 6. My friend asked me to. Her name was Robin I think. God knows where she is now.
024. First relationship: WHAT relationship? Well, the first person I met was my mommy!
025. First Best Friend: Krystin.
026. First Award: Pfft, I don't know. I think it was in Stnd. 1. BM if I'm not mistaken
027. First Kiss: Sarah Fong Mun Yee, but I doubt that counts. (:
028. First Pet: I've had so many darn fishes. I don't know which is which anymore.
029. First Big Vacation: Australia! When I was 6.
030. First Love at first sight: Wasn't lucky enought to experience that yet :D
031. First Big Birthday: Erh, I think I was 2. I had a Lion King cake :D
032. First Surgery: I don't think I've ever had surgery. Unless you count my retarded finger. But I wasn't even like asleep or anything.
033. First sport you joined: Erh erh erh, I don't know. Does running in primary count? O:
034. Orange or Apple Juice: Neither.
035. Rock or Rap: Rock? Ohmygod, have you heard CHINESE rap? ZOMG.
036. Country or Screamo: Erh, it depends I guess.
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: If I really had to choose. I pick Budak Lorong Belakang :D
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Oh baby baby, have you seen Amy tonight? *wink*
039. Night or Day: Night.
040. Sun or Moon: Moon.
041. TV or Internet: At least my TV doesn't lagggggg.
042. Playstation or xbox: Playstation?
043. Kiss or hug: Both! A hug followed by a kiss :D
044. Iguana or turtle: Iguana's scare me.
045. Spider or bee: I HATE bugs! Need I say more?
046. Fall or spring: WINTER!
047. Limewire or iTunes: Is this question really necessary? I mean c'mon...
048. Soccer or baseball: Soccer :) Aliadiere baybeh!
049. Eating: Food!
050. Drinking: Water. Ohmygod, do you know nice a cold glass of water is after choir?
051. Excitement level: Ah, average-ish.
052. I'm about to: Kill Li Wen for making me do this tag (:
053. Listening to: My grandma's chinese show :D
054. Plan for today: TRY (not likely to suceed) to finish my homework and start studying.
055. Waiting for: This shit ass situation to end.
056. Energy level: This is a VERY long tag.
057. Thinking of someone: Yeah, you need not know who it is.
058. Want kids: Yeah.
059. Want to get married: I want to get married and then have kids.
060. When: The right guy comes along.
061. How many kids do you want: 4.
062. Any name in mind: I am not telling you. what if you steal it?! :D
063. What did you want to be when you were little: A teacher, I think?
064. Careers in mind: Doctor? Lawyer?
065. Mellow future or wild: Mellow. :D
066. Something you would never try: Drugs? O:
067. When do you want to die: when my time is up I guess.

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)

068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes definitely!
069. Romantic or Funny: Both. But more to the romantic side.
070. Shorter or Taller: Taller larhh obviously.
071. Protective or Caring: Caring and protective but able to let me do my own thing :D
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: More to the romantic side.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Arms. But no big belly or anything la. :D
074. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive but not like totally silent la.
075. Hooked-up or Relationship: Relationship.
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: In the middle of the two.
077. Muscular or Normal: Normal.
078. Kissed a stranger: Nope.
079. Broken a bone: Na-da.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Jo no needs glasses and contacts (:
081. Ran away from home: Its a stupid thing to do.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope, but I've help pepper spray for defense (:
083. Killed somebody: Erh, I don't THINK so :D
084. Broken someone's heart: I hope not.
085. Had your heart broken: Weeeeell, maybe? *sniff*
086. Been arrested: I wished lah.
087. Cried when someone died: Erh, not really?
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: I actually kinda do, like NOW.
089. Yourself: A working mom :D
090. Miracles: I believe they exist I guess, I watch too many Disney movies (:
091. Love at first sight: Not yet.
092. Heaven: Uh huh.
093. Santa Claus: He ate all my cookies! S:
094. Tooth fairy: My parents used to leave change under my pillow. They're my tooth fairies!
095. Kiss in the first date: I haven't been on a date.
096. Angels: Don't wake me cos' I'm dreaming of angels on the moon.

Answer Truthfully

097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Hmm, I guess so.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : Nah, its okay. Pmr is scaring the shizz outta me.
099. Do you believe in God? : Yeah, I guess I do.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 6 people
a) Zhi Chung
b) Adele
c) Shi Wen
d) Joseph
e) Rachel
f) Jonathan
-ooh, its finally OVER!

Make Me Feel Special;
Saturday, May 2, 2009

This picture creeps me out! :D

-stolen from Nerissa's blog.

Its been about 3 days since they announced the results,

But I still feel as if I'm on cloud nine.

I mean c'mon, 3 days?

If it was a SANE person, the feeling would have faded by now.

At least just a tiny wee bit.

Woah, I read Catholic High's choir blog. (Thanks to Yee Fei! :D)

There are like cBox posts saying,

"DJ choir damn strong this year. DIE! D:"

Ahahahah, I found this very hilarious.

I feel like some stalker :O

I nearly cried reading Zi Ying's blog.

Terlalu detailed adeeeee.


Ow, I can almost feel the pain of hitting my head on the speaker.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Do you dream;
That the world would know your name?
After they announced the second place results. Ohmygosh, looking at this makes me cry. *sniifff*
Pretty obvious I forgot to turn my head :S
-stolen from Jacq's blog. :D

Thriving Ivory;

Don't wake me cos' I'm dreaming;
Of angels on the moon;

-stolen from Jenn's blog :D

3 Words For You, I Love You;

This might have taken a gazillion years to upload.
But gosh, its so worth it.
The tears, the pain, the sweat, the blood all paid off.
Thanks to these WONDERFUL people.
Syamir, he's so adorable.
EMI! She tried to commit suicide O:
Mel, erh, she's smart?
Lee Yee, we'd better not forget our head turnings again :D
Sean, never fails to make me and Yi Huey laugh. Especially with his donkey laugh.
Brenda. Yi Huey. Jo Li. I LOVE this picture.
Foo Wai/ Wai Wai, I'm his GRANDMA! :D
Ahaha, Mr Donkey Laugh. Spot Wai Wai :D
Em. Duckie. Jo.

Ahahah, I don't know what we were trying to do.


Ohmygosh, Jia Wei, its about time I got those pictures.

Pictures from MAC a long LONG time ago.



Im lame :D

Designer: XiuPei
Background: Photoshop

August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010

Click here for the links to appear :D

Jeremy Tan
Jia Wei
Jian Wen
Li Wen
Sam Cheh
Sher Wu
Shi Wen
Soon Len
Yi Jing
Zhi Chung
Zhi Hoe

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