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Do not steal stuff from here.
This Ain't A Fairytale.
I'm awesome.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ah, New Moon is finally HERE! And no, I haven't watched it. Sarah called me and told me it was good. Except the part when R. Pat took his shirt off, "...it turned me OFF." :D (Yay, go team Emmett, its always Jacob or Edward. Doesn't anybody care about Emmett? D: ) Hurry and come home from Korea, Gay Best Friend. (Psst, remember to bring me back that snow we talked about.) So, we can go and watch it ASAP. Okay? Okay. You too, Jia Wei, you're coming too and I. DON'T. CARE.

(don't ask me why the funny font sizes, i don't know either)

Any-hoo's, I'm going to Penang tomorrow. Yay! Imma stuff mah face yo! Dieting and starvation can come later in the week. Hmm, my sistah is gonnah tan herself on the beach. I'll look for hot guys and maybe if I'm lucky, Ryan Reynolds, Kris Allen, Joe Hart, Jeremie Aliadiere, Kellan Lutz, Taylor Lautner, Fernando Torres or any other hot guy that isn't married lah, ultimately, walks by. :D :D :D :D :D Will experiment with hotel wifi while I'm there. Facebook-ing on a beach. (Y)

I'm watching The Little Nyonya now. Fwahh, this show is awesome. (Y) Old Lady is making People rape Girl just because Old Lady's grand daughter got raped. Now Girl is trying to kill herself. What can I say, I love drama. :D

-just because it was a good day

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm hungry. :3

My neighbours cooking smells really good. Scrap that, its my maid's. I love you, Aunty Esther! <3 She's making Assam Fish for dinner. Yum. Ahaha that reminds me of:
"Who's he? That boy's yummy. " :D

Oh boy, I heart these pictures.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Haven't been online for a LONG time.
And I owe Sarah pictures.
Sorry babe, I'll upload ASAP.

Oh god, I give up.
I can't put up with this stupidity anymore anyway.
So, bye.
I don't need you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For Yi Huey. <3

Friday, November 13, 2009

Since I have nothing to do, I shall blog about Thursday. Such a hectic day it was.

Reached school later than planned and saw Li Wen get booked for her socks. Had assembly like we do every morning and then went to the hall to prep for *gasp*

Had a run through. Fumbled with the words. Stared at the floor. After that, we tried to practice some more but gosh, our little acoustic guitars are so soft compared to their gigantic electric guitars and drum sets. Then, people started pouring in so we rushed off to change.

When we were done changing, the hall was practically full already. Nearly died in the (Li Wen's!) cardigan. Time passed so fast and before we knew it, performance number seven was up and we were next, number eight. Stumbled on stage very carefully to make sure I don't trip on the stairs.

Saw 'the girls' waving frantically. Saw Jian Wen behind them waving frantically too. Tried my best to smile. Sang. Fumbled on words again. Hands were shaking like mad. Had to use right hand to hold left hand to prevent the mike from dropping.

Finally, song was over. Got off the stage and just enjoyed the show from then on. Jon performed too. Wow, amazing. Eventough his popping still is disturbing to me, I gotta admit he was really good.

I can't believe the school year is over. Somehow, it just doesn't feel complete.

I'm gonna miss Dele-Dele and Sarah.

Okay, I'm going to stop now. Some guy on TV is getting squashed in a bed of nails. Fwahh, he awesome yo.


Wow, its been awhile since I got tagged;

1. Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

3. Who was the last person/people you took photo with?
Ong Li Wen, after Thursday's performance.

4. Would you consider yourself spoilt?
Not really?

5.Will you ever donate blood?
Of course I will. (if I can.)

6. Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?
Uh, duh?

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
Its horrible to wish death upon someone, right?

8. What does your last message say?
"What are we using, staples or pins?"

9. What are you thinking right now?
Whether I'm going to use staples or pins? Ahaha.

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
Uh, one ish, I think.

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
Its not exactly a tee.

13. Is someone in your mind right now?

14. Who was the last person who text you?
Yi Huey, about the staples and pins. :D

Tag 10 "lucky" people to do this quiz
1. Jia Wei
2. Xiu Pei
3. Li Wen
4. Joseph
5. Rachel
6. Jian Wen
7. Jon ( if he's still blogging)
8. Adele
9. Nerissa
10. Shi Wen

15. Who is number two having a relationship with?
Mr Ronald McDonalds? :D

16. Is number three a male or female?
She is quote herself, "Shemale."

17. If number 7 and number 1 get together will it be good?
Uhm, not really.

18. What is number 1 studying?
How to kill J's.

19. Is number 4 single?
He can't help it.

20. Say something about number 6.
My darling gay best friend. :D

21. What you think of number 3 and number 6 being together?
Gay best friend and cheerful buddy. <3

22. Describe number 9 .
Uhm, WOW?!

23. Do you like number 8 ?
I don't like her, I LOVE her.

24. What you think of number 6 and number 10 being together?
Gay best friend+gay= Match made in heaven.


I love you losers <3

I gotta admit,
Eventhough it was a bumpy road,
I had a blast!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I need the serenity and quiet of the ocean.

Someone take me to Redang, please.
With cherries on top?


I'm cranky. I'm fed up. I'm disgusted (with myself). I'm almost so angry/dissapointed I could cry. My hair is icky. My skin is ohmygodon'teventhinkaboutit horrible. I haven't laughed in days. I miss how things were before.

I don't want to be the doormat. But I don't want things to get screwed up too.

There's no point in explaining it here because nobody would understand anyway.

Gosh, I need to eat a boy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I skipped school today. They're having some Nike thing at school. Besides, I don't really see the point of going if some people don't want to. This whole DJGT thing really is getting overly frustrating. What else can we do except slap on a smile and just go through with it.

Woke up at 11 again today. "Sleeping early and waking up early makes you pretty." Well, I woke up with scruffy hair, a screwed up voice, a sniffly nose and a swollen eye. So I guess there is some truth to that statement. Well, there is truth to that statement today, anyway.

Went and watched Jennifer's Body yesterday at OU. Uh, not even close to what I expected it to be? I expected it to be better? Granted, Megan Fox looks hot in the movie but then again, she looks hot in every movie. Same difference.

Bought my 'outfit' too. "Two birds, one stone." Am now severely broke. Must've tried on a thousand (exaggerated) dresses. Definitely kicked Katherine Heigl's butt in 27 Dresses though. Finally settled on one. Took quite awhile but we got it done. You know, eventually


Im lame :D

Designer: XiuPei
Background: Photoshop

August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010

Click here for the links to appear :D

Jeremy Tan
Jia Wei
Jian Wen
Li Wen
Sam Cheh
Sher Wu
Shi Wen
Soon Len
Yi Jing
Zhi Chung
Zhi Hoe

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